thick white discharge in women: What should you pay attention to him before going to the doctor?

thick white discharge in women: What should you pay attention to him before going to the doctor?

Thick white discharge
Thick white discharge

Complaints about the allocation are the most common cause of treatment of women to the gynecologist. Meanwhile, white transparent selection typical for a healthy woman's body - they reflect the normal activity of the reproductive system and shows cyclical changes associated with ovarian work. At the beginning of the cycle, and transparent allocation of scarce, in the middle of - stretching and abundant, in the end - creamy with the faintly sour smell.


  1. Characteristics of normal secretions
  2. What deviation can be considered normal
  3. Deviations from the norm
  4. Prevention "wrong" selections
  5. Characteristics of normal secretions
  6. Thick white discharge - a mixture of biological fluids comprising transudate lymph fragments from broken cells, mucus of the cervical canal, and other microorganisms. The main dwelling in which micro-organisms are harmless lactobacilli (lactic acid bacillus). Normally also allowed a small amount of Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium, Bacteroides, Enterobacteriaceae, privately, mycoplasma, fungi, etc.

Thick white discharge transparent allocation:

In substance, which is released from the vagina of healthy women, should not be an unpleasant smell, and it should not cause discomfort (inflammation of the mucous membrane, or itching). In fact, if a woman is healthy and the amount of discharge is normal, it is about this phenomenon did not even remember.

Doctors believe that the volume of discharge from the completely healthy woman should not exceed 4 ml per day, and their consistency can be varied only depending on the day of the cycle.

Transparent allocation of girls there aged from one month to ten years, when it is not produced by the hormone estrogen, so the egg does not mature, and there is no menstruation. The girl allocation must appear before the first menstruation. With their help, the body clears genital ways and protects the sexual organs of the pathogens.

What deviation can be considered normal

The amount and consistency of discharge can vary:

during sexual stimulation - is to take care of nature on the continuation of the human race;
after moving to a different climate zone;
while taking hormonal preparations;
after the change of partner;
after pregnancy, especially during the first weeks and before giving birth (departs mucous plug);
while getting used to a new oral contraceptive.
Discharges may occur in girls shortly after birth: so their body is released from the maternal hormones.
If a woman has a lot of selections in terms of volume, but they are transparent or white, with no blood veins and discomfort do not cause, the only way out - to use panty liners. No need to use any medicines or folk remedies. The only thing they can do - to cause any disease.

Thick white dischargeWhite transparent allocation:

Keep in mind that at different stages of pregnancy highlight different:

the first sign of pregnancy - selection with a touch of milk, caused by changes in hormonal levels;
after fourteen weeks characteristics change: lost milky, and the discharge becomes more liquid.
But at any stage of pregnancy, a woman should not feel discomfort caused by burning or itching. When these symptoms should immediately seek medical attention. During pregnancy, you can not use tampons - should purchase gaskets.

Deviations from the norm:

Any change of character selections should alert a woman and get to see a doctor. Yellowish or greenish discharge may indicate inflammation of the white card - to thrush, brown - on endometrial hyperplasia or polyps. precipitates may change character due to the impact and pathological factors, such as during antibiotic treatment or by changes in the immune system.

Prevention "wrong" selections:

correct intimate hygiene - special tools for cleaning the purchased in a drugstore and contain lactic acid, plant extracts, and moisturizing ingredients which do not affect the vaginal microflora, especially if there is a predisposition to thrush;
prompt treatment of any infectious disease, even acute respiratory infections and sore throats

  • preventing the possibility of hypothermia;
  • moderation in sexual activity;
  • avoidance of excessive exercise, especially those associated with weight lifting;
  • postponing intimate relationships and any physical exertion during menstruation;

avoiding frequent change of sexual partners.
Most women get used to the isolation and do not realize at what point are changing their properties. It should treat you more carefully and pay attention to the admixture of blood, occurrence of burning or itching, as well as the complete lack of emissions. At the slightest deviation from the norm should immediately consult a gynecologist.

Thick white discharge in girls and women - is this normal?

Almost every woman interested in the issue of sexual secretions, and many wonder if this is normal or considered pathology. They may indicate the beginning of a disease? For a woman or a girl is considered to be the natural state when the vaginal mucosa provokes release. Thanks to them, the internal genital organs eliminate bacteria derive the remains of menstrual blood, dead cells, and mucus. 

The right is considered if there is no color in secretions. If there is white discharge in women is often a lot of questions. As evidenced by such isolation? Depending on the age of the number of white vaginal discharge is different. This is due to hormonal differences: young girls he is just beginning to take shape, and therefore release more abundant. In older women of reproductive age and during menopause hormonal changes have stopped, so the discharge less. 

When a girl or woman has a weak acidity of the vagina environment where lactic acid is formed with lactobacilli. It is considered the norm. This medium prevents development and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. But information about what is considered normal allocation is obliged to know each of the fair sex. An average number of allocation shall not exceed the amount of a teaspoon. V precipitates should be odorless. 

Increased discharge may occur during sexual arousal during sex or before menstruation. Secretions should not be thick or watery liquid, and during ovulation pulling and transparent. Normally, when the discharge is cream, white or slightly yellow color and not very noticeable. The reason white discharge with odor girls In the process of cell renewal, covering the vagina is allocated a waste product, which is referred to in medicine belly mi. The normal allocation of transparent and white, with women and girls should not feel any burning or itching or pain in the vagina. Dead cells mixed with mucus and discharge from the cervix, especially increased during ovulation - it is a natural product of the body's work. 

Normal is considered to discharge during ovulation were more stretching and mucous membranes. Very often failures of the menstrual cycle, when receiving hormonal agents, violation of health or the abuse of anti-bacterial gel for intimate hygiene or perfumed hygiene products, during stressful situations by changing climate, frequent douching (see. Douche soda, thrush chamomile) and even errors when food (diet, abuse of sweet), as well as during pregnancy in women appear white discharge. At the same time, they may be accompanied by discomfort and itching in the genitals area. Feelings may be significant or vice versa can disturb only intermittently. All these symptoms of vaginal candidiasis, or as it is called thrush,

which is the cause of heavy Thick white discharge with a sour smell (see. the causes of yeast infection in women). How to identify disease at allotments? In the vagina, there are opportunistic microorganisms that are not capable of causing harm to the body. But when they multiply, while reducing local and general immunity, hormonal failures and after administration of antibiotics may cause inflammation. 

When symptoms of any disease and disorders manifested in girls after the characteristic discharge, subject to the mandatory visit to the doctor-gynecologist with a thorough examination: Allocation changed color, become pronounced yellow, green and other notable shades or purchased brown (see brown discharge in the middle. cycle). Thick white discharge became thick, heavy (more than one teaspoon) and foamy. When disturbed burning and pain when urinating, pain during or after sexual intercourse, lower abdominal pain on one or both sides, as well as below the navel. Redness of the skin on the external genitals, dryness and discomfort during sexual intercourse, or any unusual discharge, especially if combined with itching. 

A clear symptom of yeast infections in women, which can not even sexually active, can be dense, heavy, white discharge resembling cottage cheese. This girl may feel itching and burn in the vagina, especially when it sits in a pose of "foot to foot." Read more about the treatment of thrush, see the article: "" Treatment of yeast infections in women: a candle, a tablet, "Thick white discharge from different parts of the reproductive system are different. To identify the causes and pathological changes of cables, there should be a comprehensive diagnosis, especially if the selection changed color, odor, quantity, and thus a feeling of discomfort in the genital area. Selections are classified according to their origin: Uterine leucorrhoea. 

Occurs when the inflammatory exudate flows and mixes with vaginal mucus when you exit through the cervical canal. Pipe whites. When inflammation occurs pipe fluid accumulation in the uterus and vagina in its selection. Cervical whites. The reason can serve as chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis or anaplasmosis. It appears in the presence of inflammation in the cervix (cervicitis). Vaginal leucorrhoea. When inflammation of the vagina appears different highlight colors: white, yellow, often with an unpleasant odor. Their cause may be trichomoniasis, yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, although it is one of the most harmless emissions.

The color selections you can determine whether the disease? 

Neither a gynecologist without laboratory tests can not determine a diagnosis on the basis of external description secretions, as there are more than one hundred of their causes, nature or color shifts. Only the theoretical method among girls and women abundant, white, cheesy discharge can accurately indicate a vaginal candidiasis (see. Yeast infection symptoms in women). Only laboratory tests such as smear, bacterial culture from the vagina and tests for sexually transmitted infections will help to determine the cause of the selection changes as often thrush is combined with genital infections. In which direction to choose the method of investigation, the doctor tells the color selections: Selections white odorless may indicate disease, but it can be considered the norm. 

Therefore, you should pay attention to the fact that mild candidiasis causes severe itching or burning. These symptoms may occur occasionally and marginally, should be sure to visit the gynecologist when a heavy discharge that becomes whiter, thicker and curd in appearance. Transparent frothy may serve as one of the symptoms of chlamydia in women. acquire a distinctively fishy smell and gray shade When bacterial vaginosis and vaginitis bacterial isolation more often. The disease trichomoniasis. When it is most often an inflammation of the vagina. 

there is the concentration of white blood cells, which causes yellow cables. If the discharge greenish, it says suppurative process, because a purulent process leads a large concentration of white blood cells, and the greater the inflammation, the green color. Only laboratory tests can serve as a diagnosis in pathological changes in secretions in women. Visit the doctor if at Thick white discharge? If an intimate selection of women not more of one teaspoon and not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, the woman in this respect should not worry. If your selection changed character, became abundant, white and foul smelling, or frothy much similar to cottage cheese, thick and found yellow, green or brown color in the middle of the cycle and are complemented by itching, burning and pain in the abdomen (pain sm. mid-cycle), but these symptoms is now more low-grade fever, is the first sign that you need to see a doctor: the first gynecologist collects history. Produce inspection on a gynecological chair, in which can be seen in the mirror wall of the vagina and cervix. He drew attention to Thick white discharge, cervical condition and the presence of inflammation. 

In addition to the usual collection of material for bacteriological examination and smear, the doctor may prescribe a smear PCR is suspected of sexually transmitted diseases. Your doctor may also carry out colposcopy during the testimony or to eliminate cervical erosion and dysplasia. If the patient complains of pain, failure of the menstrual cycle and in the presence of inflammation of uterine appendages and uterus itself, it is recommended to go transvaginal ultrasound, which will help to establish the clinical picture changes a woman's discharge.

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