thick white discharge in women: changing the color and odor, treatment of possible diseases

thick white discharge in women: changing the color and odor, treatment of possible diseases:

Thick white discharge is normal, familiar to every woman. However, in some cases, they may be a symptom of a disease. What do you need to know to protect them or prevent the development of disease in time?

Article Content:
  • What Thick white discharge considered normal?
  • Causes white discharge with an unpleasant odor
  • Diseases which show "unhealthy" whites
  • Diagnosis and treatment of pathological changes in secretions
  • What allocation considered normal?
  • Thick white discharge is called in medicine belly mi, they are natural and some are in the functioning of the chain of genital organs. With them out of the woman's body go dead cells, remains of monthly bleeding, mucus, and even bacteria.

The amount of vaginal discharge depends on the age of the woman. This is explained by the different hormonal states. In adolescents, the latter is in the process of formation, and therefore the rejection process is considered more active substances. The opposite phenomenon is observed in the fair sex, stepped barrier reproductive period or during menopause.

 The moderate acidity of the Thick white discharge environment for women or girls significantly reduces the likelihood of breeding of germs and bacteria.
It is important to possession of information about what allocation can be considered normal. The main indicators are as follows:

Smell. It is absent in the case of a "healthy" selections.
Consistency. Watery, increased density or liquid should alert. In the period of ovulation, this indicator can vary: discharge can become more stringy and contain mucus.
Colour. Normal is white, yellow or cream color.
Feel. Selecting cables, accompanied by vaginal pain, itching or burning, require mandatory medical consultation.
Amount. It should not be more than one teaspoon. The increase during sexual arousal/contact before menstruation is not a pathological phenomenon.

Any change in the amount, color, odor, consistency vaginal discharge a concern. In addition, such changes may be the first sign of illness. Therefore, (even in the absence of pain) to postpone a visit to a specialist is not necessary.

Causes white discharge with an unpleasant odor
Among the main causes of the considered cables can be identified as follows:

the use of drugs, related to hormonal drugs

Emme io pathy
use for a long period of antibiotics for intimate hygiene
the use of aromatic agents
frequent douching
lack of hygiene
stressful shocks
untimely change tampons
accidentally got on time and not removed from the vagina toilet paper
a large number of edible sweets
different diets
a sharp change in climatic conditions
Any of these factors can lead to the development not only of the common diseases like thrush but also more serious ailments
Thick vaginal mucus with a peculiar smell may appear healthy at the fair half of society after unprotected intercourse. This process is a banal cleansing the vagina of sperm and is fairly short. Time of onset - immediately after contact, or during the following days.

Some of these causes of "unhealthy" secretions do not depend on the woman, but most of them can be avoided. To do this properly is enough to approach the issues of personal hygiene and take care of their nutrition.

Diseases which show "unhealthy" whites:

The color, smell, consistency of vaginal discharge in women can make an assumption about the ability to develop ailments of the reproductive system.
For whites and odorless, but the foam structure it is most often one of the first signs of chlamydia.

Secretions from the sour smell Thick white discharge may indicate the development of thrush or dysbiosis. This is due to a change in data ailments microflora acidity. Accompanied by signs of a cheesy nature of the cables, resembling curdled milk. Inflammation of the mucosa prone to irritation. Therefore, patients often feel itchy and burning.

As a result of progressive dysbiosis may develop bacterial vaginosis. The disease is often called Gardner Elle om. A sign of this disease is the Thick white discharge of cables, resembling the smell of rotten fish Doctors uses the phrase "rotten allocation." The described expression is so strong that it felt even the people around. Beli at this time can acquire a grayish hue.

The usual color becomes the whiter shade of green in various purulent processes. Such changes are a manifestation of leukocyte accumulation and depend on the degree of inflammation.

Gonorrhea or trichomoniasis appear after a couple of days after having unprotected sex with the non-regular partner. Among the signs of these diseases are isolated:

  • or foam cables
  • yellow color
  • in inflammation of the labia
  • bad smell
  • intense itching
  •  Unpleasant smell from the vagina and pathological secretions are not always but often accompanied by chlamydia.
  • If a strange odor, accompanied by painful blisters, you can suspect the progression of genital herpes.

Syphilis is on the step of the second stage of the disease in addition to migraines, rashes, hair loss is accompanied by intensive unnatural vaginal odor.

Spin-Thick white discharge and odorless, but produced in a significant amount (compared to the usual belly mi) may be either normal or indicate the mild/initial degree of candidiasis. Burning and itching in this situation may not be available. Manifestations may periodically
Pathological changes in vaginal discharge is a significant reason to visit a gynecologist. Since this process may indicate the development of serious diseases.

Diagnosis and treatment of pathological changes in secretions:

If the usual Thick white discharge output of no more than a teaspoon or supplemented by any painful symptoms, the girls worry not worth it. However, in the case of change of profusion, the acquisition belly mi unusual odor, abnormal yellow, gray, brown or green in color, the appearance of pain, burning, itching should immediately visit a gynecologist.

Determination of the diagnosis on the basis of the description of the nature of vaginal discharge is not able to carry out even the most qualified physician. To determine the cause of the pathological changes in a number of cables required laboratory studies. A receipt of the initial information is used by the gynecologist to determine the direction of required medical procedures.

such activities may be conducted during the diagnostic cables causes pathological changes:

Questioning the patient. It is carried out with a view to an initial anamnesis.

Inspection on the gynecological chair. Thus it is possible to study the state of the cervix and vaginal walls, the discovery of the developing inflammatory processes, pathological changes confirmation of selections.
Gathering material for the Pap. Held for bacteriological studies.

Taking smear PCR. This study is carried out in the case of suspicion of disease transmissible through unprotected sexual intercourse.
Implementation of colposcopy. This procedure allows you to confirm or deny the development of diseases such as dysplasia and cervical erosion.
Carrying transvaginal ultrasound. Assigned to this medical event with complaints of pain in disorders of menstruation, in the inflammatory processes of the uterus and its appendages. The study helps to correctly identify the clinical picture.
This list is by no means definitive and includes the most commonly prescribed treatments. Passage of all these surveys is rarely necessary. Most often, the diagnosis process is limited to 1-3 procedures.

While watching the video, you'll learn about women's diseases.

Pathological changes in vaginal discharge can be a sign of serious diseases. Early diagnosis of the disease and its correct treatment - an important aspect of maintaining the health of the sexual sphere of women.

Women thick white discharge: what is considered the norm?

Female allocation is considered to be semi-mucous discharge from the vagina. Their education - this is a normal physiological process that ensures the normal functioning of the female reproductive system.

Where are the highlight:

The walls of the vagina and cervix (cervical canal) have special glands that are responsible for the constant mucus, which is necessary to maintain a normal level of acidity of the vagina and its lubrication. Together with excess mucus from cervical and vaginal walls removes dead skin cells, as well as some bacteria. Normally, the vagina of women live lactobacilli, streptococci, staphylococci, diphtheroid, mycobacteria, some anaerobic bacteria. Their ability to survive in high acidity conditions conducive of growth inhibition of pathological bacteria in the vagina that can cause various diseases.

What should be the allocation of normal:

Normally, women of reproductive age allocation are transparent or slightly turbid, mucous or watery, possibly with small clots. They are odorless or have a slightly acidic smell after drying it does not leave traces. A number of precipitates range from two to five milliliters per day, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. In the first half of the allocation, the cycle is in small quantities, watery and transparent. In the period of ovulation increases the amount of bleeding, they have more mucus, the color they can buy beige color. In the last part of the release cycle become even thick white discharge, they can get a creamy, viscous consistency.

Color, texture and a number of normal secretions may also vary depending on external factors. The change in the discharge may be affected by factors such as sexual arousal and intercourse, change of sexual partner, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, stress, taking certain medications.
Girls up to the onset of menses secretions should not be at all. About a year before the first menstrual period they appear weak release that caused the outbreak hormonal changes in the body and inclusion in the life process of the reproductive function. If girls long before this age appear vaginal discharge, or menstrual age allocation are plentiful, thick, opaque, with an unpleasant smell - it is an occasion to address the children's gynecologist. Such symptoms indicate pathology.

What should not be considered the norm

If the selection at some point become cloudy, viscous, with thick white discharge, their number increases, or an unpleasant smell, it shows the pathology. But to determine the pathology of it or just the female body's response to some external stimulus can only gynecologist by examination and laboratory tests.
The cause of abnormal discharge can be a disease and non-specific inflammation of the female genital organs. The most common disease - thrush or candidiasis. In this disease in the external genital organs occurs lasting itching, redness, swelling. Discharges take the form of white or yellowish cheesy clots.

In bacterial vaginosis thick white discharge more than thrush, they have a grayish hue and odor of rotten fish. Itching and swelling are not very pronounced, periodically disappear. If the disease is left untreated for a long time, the allocation will be green-green and sticky to the touch.
When colitis (nonspecific vaginitis) isolating amplified and their character varies: they may be watery or, on the contrary, thick mucous, sometimes purulent and malodorous. The process is accompanied by severe itching, a burning sensation when urinating.
When chlamydia and gonorrhea selection moderate, but their color changes noticeably toward yellow, sometimes mixed with blood. The disease can be accompanied by pain in the abdomen.

Particular attention should be paid to the bleeding from the vagina. Normal bleeding (lochia) are considered only in the postpartum period. In all other cases, spotting indicates the presence of disease. Especially dangerous bleeding during pregnancy - it can be a sign of its interruption threats. Therefore, detection of bleeding should, without delay, contact your gynecologist for advice.
Any woman should observe the secretions of his body. Most often, these secretions are normal and will not cause any problems. But
changing their appearance, color or smell you need to look at the appointment with the specialist to keep your health in good condition for years to come.

Beli: how to deal with them?

Specific allocation with a pungent odor, probably familiar to almost every woman. They - the first signs that your body is something wrong. The reasons for the emergence of several cables: this genital diseases, long-term toxicity, sarcoma, fibroma, cancer, uterine displacement, prolapse of the thick white discharge, douching concentrated disinfectant solution, circulatory disorders due to heart disease and lung. But, as practice shows, often the reason lies in the pelvic inflammatory disease.

How to get rid of the thick white discharge?

• If watery belah arising from anemia, it is recommended to drink the infusion of herbs periwinkle 3 pinches of dry raw pour a glass of hot water. Remedy to drink in small sips throughout the day.
• Pour 15 grams of juniper fruits glass of boiling water, leave for 4 hours. Take the infusion of 1 tbsp 3 times a day.
• 15 g root of lovage drug pours 200 ml of boiling water. Key Pyatt water bath for 20 minutes. Cool at room temperature for 15 minutes, drain, squeeze. Take 1 tbsp W times a day.
• 20 g wormwood roots pour 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes, drain. Take 1 tbsp 3 times a day. Especially this recipe is useful for those who be accompanied by painful sensations.

Caution! In the acute inflammatory process in the kidneys of juniper must be discarded.
• Take 20 g of yarrow herb, sage leaves and rosemary leaves, as well as 40 g of oak bark. Mixture pours 3 liters of boiling water, put on a small fire and keep under cover for 5 minutes. Cool and strain. The broth used for douching.
• 3 tbsp mistletoe pour 2 cups boiling water. Insist 30 minutes, drain. Infusion used for irrigation not only in belah, and cervical erosion
Mistletoe is contraindicated in pregnant women.
• 4 tbsp St. John's wort herb pour 2 liters of water, boil 20 minutes, drain. The broth is used for irrigation.
• 25 grams of marigold inflorescences pour 100 ml of alcohol. To rinse, enemas and douches will need 1 tsp liqueur glass of water.
• Take 20 g of yarrow herb, sage leaves, rosemary leaves and 40 g of oak bark. Herbal pour 3 liters of water, boil for half an hour, drain. When blah 2 times a day, to spend, to syringing until separation disappear.
• You will need 5 pieces of grass knotweed, 3 parts of nettle leaves and 1 part oak bark and chamomile inflorescences. 2 tablespoons mixture pour a liter of hot water, bring to a boil, then boil for 5 minutes on low heat. Broth to cool, strain. Apply for douching and vaginal swabs at belah.
important nuances
• For irrigation is necessary to use the warm solution.
• During treatment of sexual life should be avoided.
• During treatment, take it a rule to go to the bath 2 times a week.

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