Is the appearance of some thick white discharge Risk and should go to the doctor?

Is the appearance of some thick white discharge Risk and should go to the doctor?

thick white discharge
Thick white discharge

Thick white discharge - this is one of the most frequent causes of treatment of women to the gynecologist. They may be one rule usual physiological process and can be the manifestation of the disease. Sometimes it's just a reaction to the change in conditions familiar to him, and sometimes - running the pathological process.

How to distinguish one from the other? 
When to sound the alarm, and when it is calm? 
All this will be discussed further.

Normal discharge in women

The woman's body regularly occur various processes of restructuring and change. The appearance of secretions - is a physiologically healthy, even useful phenomenon.
The composition of normal vaginal discharge consists of the following components:
cervical mucus - a special jelly-like substance produced by the cells of the cervix;
cervical epithelial cells that  from the walls and out into the vaginal lumen with mucus;
Thick white discharge flora - about ten microorganisms which are necessary and normal in a certain amount, and can lead to diseases when they become too much. These include Dederlyayna cold, lactobacilli, streptococci, and a small amount of Bacteroides.
Normal discharge has a strict dependence on the phase of the menstrual cycle and ambient conditions. There is also a difference between the discharge at puberty girls and women.
age factor
Normal allocation is different - and they can vary in color, texture, and smell and even. This depends on several factors - age, time of year, health condition, presence or absence of sexual contact, stability environment.

At the age of 10-12 years, the girl should not be any sort of Thick white discharge. When they appear necessary to conduct the child to a pediatric gynecologist and find out the reason for their appearance.
Hormonal changes also and isolation of the girls can be very different in 13 and 17 years. In this age period, they may be liquid, whitish or translucent with a slight acidic odor.
After the onset of sexual activity in women is established cyclical changes in the amount and quality of discharge. These changes will be discussed below.
After the age of 45 years, closer to the onset of menopause may change and this is very individual. process control must implement the gynecologist.

After 60 selection often disappear, and their sudden appearance may indicate diseases up to cancer.
Physiological factors
Quantity and quality of separation depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle. This is due to the state of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal, and hormonal changes in the microflora of the above. The hormonal change represented by the ratio of estrogen and progesterone, as well as variations in the amount of some other hormones.

In the first phase of the Thick white discharge is not abundant, just 0,06-0,07 ml, externally define as a trace on underwear with a diameter of 4-5 centimeters. The consistency, they look like water or clear mucus. Normally permitted impurities in the form of small lumps, no more than 2 mm in diameter, and these lumps are colorless or yellowish. The smell of them is sour.

The next phase - ovulation. This significant change in the body, in which the egg is released, and it becomes possible to fertilization. This period is characterized by a significant increase in secretions to 5 ml per day. Consistency becomes viscous and stringy. And color changes - it may vary from clear to yellow. The scent is not changed. And increasing the diameter of the spot on panty liners or underwear. Because of the abundant mucus, the woman can feel the discomfort associated with the constant wetting of the labia.
The second phase begins right after ovulation and marks the maturation of the corpus luteum. 

Changing estrogen-progesterone index. Allocation of the second phase becomes more viscous, similar in texture to a starch jelly. The color is usually not changed. The diameter of the spots on the panties - about a centimeter. The smell can be a bit more acidic.

Just before Thick white discharge becomes heavy, the texture becomes more dense, creamy. Smell premenstrual isolation has not. No additional sensations (itching or burning) they should not cause.
Menses - a special kind. This high-grade bleeding, after which the body is a natural upgrade of blood. The phenomenon of useful and healthy.
Menstrual blood has three important characteristics that define it as normal:
It has a bright red color, darkening towards the end of menstruation.
It has a specific smell, sweet and amplifying the second half of the monthly.

The blood does not clot.
There may be deviations from this, but they are considered normal only in the absence of hormonal disruptions and extragenital pathologies. For example, after the monthly blood clots may go dark red. It is for some women is considered normal.

Sex factor:

We should stop depending on the normal discharge from sexual activity. Before the start of sexual selection are relatively stable, since hormonal level and he has no reason to change.

After the first sexual intercourse is considered normal spotting is not a long time - it is a consequence of defloration, virgin break plans. What she was stronger, the stronger the bleeding.
When held after sexual intercourse is considered normal liquid discharge with little clumps. If sexual intercourse was unprotected, together with the natural grease from the genital tract can secrete semen residues in the form of lumps of Thick white discharge. It is considered the norm.
Another type is the allocation of vaginal lubrication during arousal. This is a normal reaction, indicating the normal functioning of the glands. Lubrication is usually odorless and transparent, stretches long filaments, viscous.

Pathological allocation:

Depending on various factors, both physiological and psychological allocation may vary from normal and be either reaction or symptom. This can be a lot of stress, climate change, long trip, a cold or unprotected sex. One of the key symptoms that determine the pathological process in a woman's body are isolation and characterization.

Thick white discharge in women:

Vaginal discharge white in gynecology is called "whites". On what whites are normally discussed above. However, in some cases, their nature and the amount can vary - a symptom of the disease.
The structure consists of cables above the mucus and sticks epithelium, as well as opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms. When the number of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms even becomes excessive, cables may get too much or change their consistency.

Copious Thick white discharge:

These are the selection, the number of which is greater than 5 ml per day. They often result from excessive secretion of mucus glands, which in turn indicates the presence of a prolonged inflammatory process. Mucus is designed to isolate the affected area, and white color gives her leucocytes and lymphocytes - the messengers of inflammation. Normally, these secretions caused by opportunistic bacteria, nonspecific. As they are the consistency, liquid, semi-transparent and can be caused by diseases such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts, inflammation of the uterus and appendages, vulvitis and vaginitis. Other symptoms in these diseases may be blurred - abdominal pain, itching, menstrual disorders

Forming Thick white discharge

This is a very specific feature. Often gynecologist suspects trichomoniasis with this symptom. Trichomonas - this is a very mobile bacterium has flagella. It is these bacteria flagella like "whipped" liquid containing the products of their metabolism, which contributes to the formation of air bubbles. Frothy can also sign vaginitis caused by the non-specific pathogen. Both diseases are accompanied by itching, burning, unpleasant odor and irritation of the vaginal mucosa.

Curdled Thick white discharge

This is the most common symptom, indicating the presence of the vaginal microflora colonies of the fungus Candida. Secretions may have color from off-white to yellowish. They are tightly attached to the mucosa and have the form of layers on it a rounded shape. Periodically, they peel off and come out as white lumps whether creamy cheesy, quite dense. Accompanied by all this itching and dryness, sour smell and discomfort.

Almost transparent watery liquid bleach:

This is a very bad sign. If such a one-time allocation occurs during ovulation, then they may be the norm for this. If they are accompanied by regular and irregular menstruation, pain, itching, weakness - should immediately seek medical care. Another, less severe disease with symptoms is colitis and salpingitis, ovarian cyst with a breakthrough or polyposis.
The gray-white discharge with an unpleasant fishy smell
This is the first sign of bacterial vaginosis. Caused by a color activity of bacteria inhabiting the vaginal mucosa. This may be due to reduced immunity, stress or illness. Usually, the local clinical picture is blurred - a slight jump off the menstrual cycle, dragging pain in the abdomen.
White isolation - a symptom of the disease, but one that can not be the basis of a diagnosis. When you see any white discharge is safe and hand over a smear on direct microscopic and bacteriological examination.

Yellow and green discharge in women

Another symptom is the abnormal bacterial isolation of yellow and green. Common to them is that they are the products of decay, in other words - plus.
As previously mentioned, the yellow discharge may be the norm, if they do not have a pronounced yellow, odorless and have a liquid consistency. In other kinds of yellow - a sign of disease.

Yellow, Thick white discharge in women may have a different consistency. The thicker they are, the longer the inflammatory process takes place. It is necessary to pay special attention to the impurities - of blood, pus, mucus clumps. Also important also color. If white-lemon color is normal, gray-yellow or green-yellow - a sign of purulent inflammation.

They are caused by conditionally pathogenic microflora - staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli (it is on all mucous membranes), sometimes more specific pathogens - ureaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia. Any bacterial inflammation is accompanied by the formation of pus - sweep away mucus, white blood cells, red blood cells, the epithelium, bacteria and their waste products.
Yellow discharge and are often accompanied by other symptoms - pain during sexual intercourse, sharp pains when urinating, unpleasant smell of the perineum, labia burning, itching, redness.

Green separation has the same cause and the same disease. The difference in the old and the severity of the process. Lingering disease will be accompanied by a more pronounced manifestation.

Spotting and bleeding:

Immediately is to say that the appearance of blood in the secretions is normal only during menstruation. In other cases, it speaks of spontaneous abortion, there is uterine bleeding, cancer pathology.
Blood streaks may appear before menstruation, after it in 1-2 days. If this phenomenon is not stopped - should immediately go to the hospital.

Bleeding - Thick white discharge of blood in its purest form. This phenomenon is of menstruation - an occasion to urgently call an ambulance.

Brown allocation:

This is not normal. They can say that there has been damage to the blood vessels, the collapse of soft tissue. Discharge dark brown with pain and unpleasant smell may indicate that you have an ectopic pregnancy. If you see them in the blood or blood-streaked, this indicates the beginning or have progressive disease. Most likely it endometritis or endometriosis. The most serious disease that is accompanied by brown discharge - is endometrial hyperplasia. They can also be a symptom of endometrial polyps or peeling fruit eggs if you are pregnant.

Thick white discharge during pregnancy:

A pregnant woman can observe in their allocation, other than those described above. Their characteristics depend on the duration and the state of health of the mother and fetus. Therefore, they should be viewed from two sides - for normal pregnant and those that should not be:


Women who have not yet even aware of the ensuing pregnancy may change the isolation and it will be the first occasion for the purchase of test. In the early stages of their number may increase, often they are transparent and white and stringy, stretched between the fingers as the egg white. The entire first trimester are clear discharge are normal, a woman discovers them to their underwear in the form of clumps of mucus. They are odorless and do not cause any additional symptoms.

Also in early pregnancy may be minimal bleeding, which occurs during the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall. But to know for sure whether this is normal, without the help of an experienced obstetrician impossible.
In the second trimester of isolation is not particularly changed. There may be more likely to whitish or even white. The last is distinguished from thrush. If they become too much, it is necessary to address to the gynecologist as candidiasis often occurs in pregnant women.
Last trimester may be associated with the discharge of white or transparent color (sometimes yellowish) any consistency - from the liquid like water up to thick and viscous.


Unfortunately, sometimes pregnancy can occur otherwise. And then the woman may notice in his uncharacteristic isolation.
The worst thing is to be feared - it is spotting or bleeding that women are often mistaken for a month during pregnancy. It tells about the beginning of spontaneous abortion.
Also, pregnancy can be accompanied by a brown discharge, which is not the norm. Usually, this indicates a violation of implantation, detachment of the ovum, ectopic pregnancy. Of the non-hazardous to fetal abnormalities can be called an exacerbation of cervical erosion, endometriosis.

Itching, odor and other symptoms:

Gynecological Pathology, in addition to discharge, accompanied by a number of other symptoms. The most common ones are itching and burning, unpleasant odor.
Itching occurs both because of the disease, and because of the stress. The most common cause of itching is a thrush. But often it appears in other pathologies. If the itching is not accompanied by the release, the case may be in non-compliance with personal intimate hygiene or allergic reaction to cloth underwear, hygiene items - pads, tampons.
Regarding the latter, it is worth noting that tampons can provoke serious problems - vaginal dryness, allergy, bacterial vaginosis. Use them regularly is dangerous to health.
The unpleasant smell of the perineum without any suspicious discharge may be due to dysbiosis vaginal thrush or Gard Nelle za beginning. Many diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, and infections begin to dry and odor and then appear allocation. Fishy odor from the vagina without discharge may indicate bacterial vaginosis. Sour - the beginning of candidiasis (thrush).

Burning sensation in the perineum - is a consequence of irritation of the mucous membrane secretions. Usually accompanied by burning a bacterial infection or an allergic reaction to the tissue in contact with the skin.
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