Thick white discharge in women: what do they mean?

Thick white discharge in women: what do they mean?

Thick white discharge (leucorrhoea) - is excessive discharge in women, causing itching or burning. Beli in women can be of two types: physiological or pathological.
Varieties of Thick white discharge in women.

Thick white discharge in women: how to treat whites women Physiological whites - is the so-called "normal" allocation. They usually not abundant and quite bright, have no smell. The White physiological release of women should not cause irritation to the skin or mucosa. The profusion of physiological leucorrhoea in women increases slightly before menstruation.

If we talk about the pregnancy, the amount of the physiological vaginal discharge also increased during intercourse (during pregnancy), and the postpartum period. Also, white discharge may occur in girls at the time of puberty.

Pathological leucorrhoea - extremely abundant. By their very nature can be: watery, greenish, have an unpleasant odor. White abnormal discharge - a symptom of infectious diseases, as a result - itching, burning, excessive moisture in the genital area.

The most common pathological leucorrhoea in women is caused by inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. Such infections are called vaginitis, colpitis. The main threat is that these diseases can be combined with cervicitis (cervical mucous membrane inflammation).
Places Thick white discharge (leucorrhoea) - is excessive discharge in women, causing itching or burning. Beli in women can be of two types: physiological or pathological.

Varieties of Thick white discharge in women.

Pipe Thick white discharge women - a symptom of inflammation of the fallopian tubes. It occurs when purulent material collects in the fallopian tube. There is a contagious infection, inflammation. Then pus enters the uterus and the vagina. Pipe Thick white discharge in women may also be a symptom of cancer of the fallopian tube. Pipe whites watery, have a light yellow color, mixed with blood.
Uterine leucorrhoea arises in pathologies of the uterus and causes the appearance of neoplasms: polyps, fibroids, cancer. Endometritis causes uterine white discharge in women. Such allocation of purulent or watery.

Cervical leukorrhea - a consequence of a violation of secretion of cervical glands. There is an increase in mucus secretion. Such Thick white discharge in women may appear as if common diseases (tuberculosis, disruption of the endocrine system) and gynecological (cervicitis, polyps, scar changes that occurred after uterine rupture). Cervical whites have a slimy character. When tsirvitsite may contain pus impurity, at polyps - blood.

Thick white discharge in women: how to treat leucorrhoea in women Vaginal whites - a consequence of the output liquid part of blood from the capillaries?. Such white discharge in women can occur when mechanical action on the mucous membrane (masturbation) and thermal / chemical (douching with hot liquids). Also, white vaginal discharge may be conditional inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, which is caused by pathogenic microorganisms.
Vestibular white discharge occurs in women due to increased secretion of glands vulva.

The reasons for the appearance of Thick white discharge

Beli women - a symptom of gynecological diseases. Frequent causes of cables in a woman: inflammation caused by infection, trauma, tumors. By the nature of cables, you can set the location of origin (tube, uterine, cervical, vaginal, vestibular). If the white secretions of women celebrated the admixture of pus, then most likely, it will point to the inflammatory process. If there is an admixture of blood - a possible tumor development.

What kind of gynecological diseases can cause Thick white discharge in women?

  1. adnexitis;
  2. vaginitis;
  3. colitis;
  4. prolapse of the vaginal walls.
  5. Also at:
  6. douching;
  7. the regular use of chemical contraceptives;
  8. stagnation in the pelvis;
  9. sedentary lifestyle;
  10. violations of the rules of personal hygiene.
  11. Treatment of white discharge in women

Upon detection of cables should immediately consult a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct laboratory diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen. Do not forget that involves an individual approach gynecology. Therefore, only the gynecologist can prescribe the right, it is able to help you cure.
Depending on the causes of white discharge in women, the doctor may prescribe:
vaginal suppositories;
Prevention cables

To prevent the cables should be monitored regularly by a gynecologist, to observe good personal, and especially intimate hygiene, in time to see a doctor if you have any suspicions or doubts in the sexual organs and the whole reproductive system.
This means that - if you see an unusual color, odor or consistency of vaginal discharge - immediately consult a gynecologist. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, and even more so, to believe that "everything will itself"!

The Thick white discharge in women. Main reasons
Vaginal discharge - this is the secretion of the female genital organs. Therefore, the phenomenon - the norm, but some isolation considered symptoms of gynecological diseases.

Abnormal discharge, including white cheesy discharge in women endowed with the following features:
- Unusual color (white, yellow, pink, green, dark);
- Copious on different days of the menstrual cycle;
- Any color selections during, before and after menstruation, as well as in the middle of the cycle, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, itching genital and abdominal pain;
- Excessive bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle, spotting pink, brown discharge;
- Copious during the month, a sharp decline in the number or painful periods.

The thick white discharge signal the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, or inflammatory processes of female genital tumors. Let us consider the white cheesy discharge in women.

Copious vaginal flakes that resemble cottage cheese or yogurt, are the first symptoms of thrush (candidiasis). The white cheesy discharge in women have the smell of sour milk or bread odor causes burning and itching in the genital organs. Some women may feel pain during urination or intercourse. This disease is caused by Candida fungi that live in the vagina every woman. The danger is heightened their reproduction under the influence of certain conditions.

So what causes the development of candida, which causes the appearance of Thick white discharge in women?

1.Beskontrolny reception antibiotics that are used to treat any diseases including the genital area. For this reason, when taking antibiotics, you should not forget about the antifungal drugs.
2. Pregnancy. The emergence of thrush is due to changes in hormonal levels.
3. Birth control pills. Since these hormonal changes, the white cheesy discharge in women and can occur because of them.
4. Weakened immune system, as well as the long-occurring infection, is very often the cause of thrush.
5. sexually transmitted infection, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, anaplasmosis, chlamydia.

6. The white cheesy discharge in women can be a sign of diabetes or disorders of the thyroid gland.

Vaginal release (white) 


Vaginal release or leucorrhoea is characterized as the non-grisly release from the vagina. Review that the vagina is a piece of the second rate genital tract of the lady that lies between the vulva and the uterus. 


There are physiological, bounteous, smooth and opalescent misfortunes that are typical for all ladies. They result from the desquamations of the vaginal cells which are highlighted just before the monthly cycle. 

Likewise, the phones of the endo coil discharge a liquid of translucent appearance called cervical bodily fluid. Its generation increments altogether in the region of the ovulation time frame. 

It ought to likewise be noticed that miniaturized scale life forms regularly live in the vagina. These supposed saprophytic germs, which are a piece of the vaginal verdure, don't bring about leucorrhea unless they are quantitatively uneven. 

The obsessive vaginal release might be irresistible or non-irresistible. 

Bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, trichomoniasis, maladies because of gonococci (gonorrhea) and chlamydia are among the most widely recognized diseases that cause leucorrhoea. Be that as it may, hackneyed germs, for example, streptococcus B, staphylococcus, and choli bacilli can likewise taint the female genital tract. 

These irresistible operators are transmitted through unprotected sex, regardless of whether oral, genital or butt-centric. Tainting likewise happens subsequently of septic controls amid essential care of pregnant ladies, intrauterine gadget (IUD) or intrauterine gadgets, prompted premature births and gynecological examinations. 

This condition likewise happens when saprophytic germs, for example, candida and Gard re Nella, increase too much. This peculiarity is connected to propensities that unbalance the vaginal vegetation. At present, the female populace, by and large, has a tendency to "clean" their genital tract with vaginal douching and the utilization of aggravations. 

What's more, non-irresistible causes, for example, desquamative irritation, the decay of the vagina, hypersensitivities, outgrowth or outside body intravaginal likewise cause vaginal release. 

The danger of the event of vaginal release increments with the quantity of accomplices, the taking of specific medications (anti-infection agents, corticosteroids, oral contraceptives, hostile to tumor), the narrow-mindedness to the condom. Pregnancy, untreated diabetes, growth, menopause and immunosuppression are additionally contributing elements. 

At long last, rehashed insinuate washes, homosexuality, tobacco and the disappointment of a hormone called estrogen are wellsprings of the repeat. 


Bacterial vaginosis shows as the greenish vaginal release, white or dark, with spoiled fish scent. 

The white misfortunes in grains or hunks related with shivering and dyspareunia, that is to state torment because of sex, portray candidiasis. It is conceivable that the patient grumbles of micturition agony or dysuria. 

With respect to trichomoniasis, the vaginal release gets to be distinctly beige or yellow and foamy. The patient experiences shivering sensations or vaginal smoldering and dysuria. 

Vaginal tingling, bring down stomach torment, regular and smoldering pee and additionally menstrual clutters uncover diseases with gonococci or chlamydia. 


The specialist, for the most part, perceives the inception of leucorrhea. To do this, he meets and looks at the patient. At that point, he endorses lab tests to affirm the determination. They include taking examples of vaginal discharge with a specific end goal to evaluate the condition of the verdure, decide the pH of the medium, recognize strange cells and distinguish the causative life forms. 

Blood tests permit the scan for causal conditions, for example, diabetes and HIV or human immunodeficiency infection. 


Difficulties - Risks of vaginal dischargeLeucorrhea builds the danger of HIV transmission. Consequently, the endless loop of contamination is shaped, in light of the fact that the frail insusceptible guard of an HIV-positive lady additionally advances the fizz of vaginal release. 

In the event that a pregnant and tainted lady is to experience a cesarean operation, the germs may spread to the uterus and the fallopian tubes. Thus, she will be inclined to constant stomach torment, menstrual clusters and fruitlessness. 

Also, more genuine difficulties, for example, salpingitis or pelvic irritation, septicemia and ectopic pregnancy can prompt to the demise of the patient. 

Leucorrhea amid incubation can bring about visual impairment or respiratory contamination of the child. What's more, the last is inclined to rashness or underweight during childbirth. 


Vaginal Loss Treatments Treatment is that of the cause. The specialist, as a rule, endorses anti-infection agents as oral or vaginal tablets, cream, or gel. 

The span of the cure shifts as per the germ in charge of the development of the ailment. For a disease without complexity, it will be one day. Then again, revolt cases can last up to six months. 

The wellbeing proficient requests meds that rebalance the vaginal greenery in the event that he considers it important. 

It is likewise important to check and evacuate any outside body implanted in the vagina, for example, an overlooked tampon when it is the wellspring of the disease. 


Phytotherapy vaginal misfortune The oak has a helpful goodness against leucorrhea. To do this, it is sufficient to bubble, for 10 minutes, a modest bunch of leaves in a liter of water. At that point, three mugs a day of the got decoction will alleviate the patient. 

- The white paper is additionally utilized as a part of the instance of vaginal misfortune (white misfortune). 

Solid counsel 

Counsel your specialist: 

- Before taking antimicrobials, corticosteroids and oral contraceptives. 

- When vaginal release gets to be distinctly plentiful, their appearance, shading or scent changes anomalous. 

- If you feel bothersome. 

Amid treatment: 

- Follow the directions of your specialist to the letter. 

- Refrain from sustenance and beverages containing liquor. 

- Ask your sexual accomplice to get treated. 

- Resist sex, or possibly utilize the condom. 


Tips to anticipate vaginal release - Take defensive measures, for example, male or female condom utilize, monogamy, sexual action without infiltration or forbearance 

- Avoid early marriage and postpone your first sex 

- Refrain from excessively visit vaginal douches 

- For wellbeing experts, carefully regard the standards of asepsis 

- If you have quite recently had another accomplice, do sexually transmitted contaminations or sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) before beginning a first sexual experience.
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