What is the protective function of the thick white discharge in women?

What is the protective function of the thick white discharge in women?

What do the thick Thick white discharge in women? 

Urogenital presented in the body of a group of officials, whose health is very important for a woman. Their condition is not only a physical component but also an important point of the psychological state of a fine half of mankind.
The vagina of a woman - a special body with the microflora and the environment peculiar to him. 

One of its main functions - protective. That is why the internal vaginal wall kept moistly. They are covered with a substance made up of epithelial cells. This substance is called vaginal discharge, and plays a very important role - does not allow pathogenic bacteria to multiply, or to penetrate into the body. This compound has the following chemical composition:

mucus formed vaginal glands;

vaginal epithelium and cervical cancer;

leukocytes (white blood cells);


Development of this material is as follows: the woman ovaries secrete specific hormones, under the influence of the cells of the vaginal tissue (epithelium) is isolated glycogen. After the interaction of these substances, the formation of lactic acid. It creates an acidic environment in the vagina that prevents harmful bacteria to multiply (gonorrhea or trichomoniasis).

What they should be: normal Thick white discharge in women

Thick white discharge, as it has already been said - a normal phenomenon. But what are they? Characteristics of healthy selections:

have a white, almost transparent color, and sometimes cream or yellowish;

odor neutral or non-existent

the consistency of watery, not thick (ovulation thickened, slimy);

The number of selections - 2-5mg per day (may be increased during or before sexual intercourse).

If the selection parameters are listed, there is no reason for concern. Just a slight deviation from the norm is considered yellowish discharge. Excessive white discharge, odorless women can characterize many processes in the body. For example, before the onset of menstruation their number increases. Also, this may occur during driving.

Lack of fluid in women: the rate of deviation or

If no selection at all - it may be a harbinger of serious disease.

Just when describing selections should take into account age. The fact is that the older a woman is, the thinner and drier are the walls of her vagina. During menopause, release may disappear altogether. Another reason for the lack of selections may be atrophic vaginitis. It is not infectious diseases, appearing due to the lack of estrogen in a woman's hormone levels. Diseases of this kind can make a woman vulnerable to injury and infection penetration into the body. So do not ignore the lack of emissions.

When sounding the alarm? When abundant Thick white discharge is not the norm?

In order to understand whether the vaginal discharge is a harbinger of the disease, it is necessary to take into account a number of the following factors: color, texture, odor and quantity.

So, the following varieties are abnormal Thick white discharge:

cheesy (thick);


the presence of a specific odor (rotten, sour, fish, etc.);

flaking (scales);

accompanied by itching and burning.

If the selection changed, this indicates certain disorders in the body. Often this is a reaction to some infection or disease.

Cheesy, thick white discharge in women. What are they talking about?

 The most common cause of discharge is thrush (genital candidiasis). Nearly two-thirds of all women suffer from this problem. The disease is a fungal nature, caused by Candida breeding class of organisms. A certain number of them exist in the vagina every woman and is the norm. But is their excessive multiplication in certain factors, which leads to thrush.

This occurs in the following cases:

Excessive douching (introduction into the vagina of various substances);
the use of hormones;

a constant presence in areas with the damp environment;

a general decline in immunity;

wearing uncomfortable lingerie, using synthetic fabrics;

dysbiosis (imbalance of the microbial organism).

The Thick white discharge is not a threat to the body, but it brings a general discomfort. Often, it may be accompanied by a burning sensation and pain during sex. But in rare cases, thrush can prevent more serious diseases (HIV, diabetes, etc.). So do not ignore it.

Get rid of yeast infection can be in a very short period of time. There is a huge variety of different drugs. But choose something yourself is not worth it - better to consult a specialist. The rapid recovery will contribute to a diet which excludes products promotes the growth of fungi (yeast, carbonated drinks, sugar, etc.).

Thick white discharge in women. What kind of diseases they warn

Frothy - a reaction to the infection of any infection. They may indicate trichomoniasis or vaginosis. Trichomoniasis is the most common disease of the genitourinary system. An important feature of this disease is that in men it almost does not manifest itself. Therefore, without knowing it, many men are its carrier. Whereas in women, it is very unpleasant symptoms. In addition to foam discharge, trichomoniasis may be accompanied by:


frequent and painful urination;

discomfort during sex;

the presence of blue-green discharge;

swelling and redness of the vulva (the external female genitalia);

aching in the lower abdomen.

Trichomoniasis is most commonly transmitted through sexual contact, but there are also cases of disease from non-compliance with basic hygiene. Treat trichomoniasis is not easy since the Trichomonas (the causative agent of the disease) - not a bacterium. And antibiotics it is absolutely harmless. But you can get rid of it, for this, there is a narrow range of products (protivotrihomonadnye). But the treatment of this disease is very individual. Therefore requires expert supervision and other complex procedures.

It is important not to be afraid to seek help from a specialist. Otherwise, it can lead to undesirable consequences, not only have but your partner.

Thick white discharge and itching in women:

Such symptoms can be in a wide range of diseases. The most common and likely are bacterial vaginosis. In addition to itching, vagina can exude unpleasant odors that were not previously observed. There are also cases of thickening or discoloration of the vaginal fluid to grayish-green. Symptoms of this disease are similar to other diseases so the best solution would be to make a smear. It is important to remember that before going to the gynecologist, in any case, should not do spirt Sevan ie. Otherwise, the analysis results will be inaccurate.

Thick white discharge with odor in women. Where did he come from?

Unpleasant vaginal odor - very bright sign of the presence of an infectious disease. Smell - a consequence of dwelling in the vagina such as the bacteria Gardnerella Vaginalis. Normally they do not deliver an amount of discomfort. But under the influence of special factors may be uncomfortable in the form of odor, itching or burning. Reasons caused by bacterial vaginosis can become unprotected sexual intercourse or failure to comply with hygiene.

Intensify the unpleasant odor in the vagina may be due to exposure to an alkaline environment. Aggravate the situation can an ordinary soap because it also contains alkali. Therefore, often after having sex smell intensified as men lubrication and semen is alkaline. So much of any disease brings physical discomfort, psychological brings much uncertainty.

Ignore this disease is not worth it. Since it is not always simply expressed an unpleasant odor. This symptom is typical in the mild form of its occurrence - vaginosis. But when it is a complicated form of the disease - vaginitis - it may be accompanied by itching, burning, and inflammation of the vaginal walls.

What to do when a Thick white discharge in women: diagnosis

If you find yourself unhealthy Thick white discharge, not sequences despair.

 Do not rely on their own assumptions and to self-medicate. Install an accurate diagnosis in the case of vaginal infections at home is absolutely impossible. The main thing - to overcome any shyness and fear, and immediately go to a specialist.

Before going to it is not necessary to make a separate spirt Sevan ie or taking any medications. Firstly, it can aggravate the situation, and secondly, may cause misdiagnosis. It is also worth a few days to give up all sorts of sexual contact.

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases that cause 

unhealthy Thick white discharge in women are individual. It depends on the nature of the alleged illness. Diseases of bacterial nature often identified pH-meter (measuring the acidity of the vagina). For other violations enjoyed by PCR (polymerase chain reaction). Its essence lies in the direct study of the genetic material that allows you to accurately determine the type of the disease.

Features to get rid of the Thick white discharge in women. How are the treatment and rehabilitation?

Treatment of diseases that cause unhealthy vaginal discharge purely individual thing. Even if someone you know is suffering from such a disease, or did you learn about treatment options. Under no circumstances should you try to experience the same thing for yourself? Firstly, you can not know at exactly what stage your disease occurs. Secondly, each organism is unique to him especially. Third, you can only make the situation worse. And, fourthly, taking certain medications - there is a risk of an allergic reaction, of which you had no idea. Therefore, once you have found a strange selection - immediately follow the doctor. He will appoint the most effective treatment for you.

 Can Thick white discharge reappear after treatment?

Each treatment rehabilitation plays an important step, and sometimes the duration superior process itself of getting rid of the disease. In diseases of the genitourinary system, this process should be given special attention. Most often, these diseases are transmitted sexually, so you should make sure your partner's recovery. Also, often to get rid of these diseases involves the violation of the microflora of the genital organs. So do not ignore the professional follow-up visits or illness resume with renewed vigor. Just standing in the next years of his life to pay attention to the processes that could lead to illness identified you (sexuality, hygiene, nutrition, physical activity, etc.).

Prevention. What to do to prevent the emergence of unhealthy Thick white discharge?

Hike to the gynecologist - not the most favorite activity among women. And most often, it is visited only when the disease has already begun. And often, a specialist treated already at the extreme stages of the disease. That is why prevention is so important. Neglect of the disease very difficult to treat, require much more time and money. Therefore, in order to avoid any diseases, each woman should perform the following steps:

    regular examination by a gynecologist (at least every six months);

following a healthy, balanced diet;

constant physical activity;

Compliance with basic hygiene;

regular sex life is protected;

wearing underwear made from natural fabrics;

Being in the favorable climatic conditions (necessary to avoid hypothermia, high humidity, etc.).

If you value your time, money, and most importantly - health, you will not be difficult to comply with these simple rules.

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